Work Smarter, Not Harder - Duck Soup

Today was a follow up day for the Project Based Learning (PBL) training I participated in with my district this summer. These are great days for sharing out what you have learned, discussing implementation issues, and planning with others.

Kathryn Chapman, a 4th grade math and science teacher at Lamar Elementary, shared some tools she was using in her classroom to facilitate PBL lessons. I was very impressed with one of those tools, Duck Soup.

Duck Soup is a work smarter, not harder website. It is designed to self-grade assignments. Teachers upload PDFs or pull in documents from Google Drive. They create answer blocks with the correct answers. ESheets are then assigned and shared with students thru Google Classroom. Duck Soup grades the assignment and the teacher can see the student scores. Kathryn heard about Duck Soup at TCEA and began using it to allow students to self-assess their learning checkpoints during the PBL journey.

Give Duck Soup a try and support other ed tech specialists as Duck Soup was created by Instructional Tech Specialist Robert Boyett.


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