5 Awesome Google Form Add-ons

I'm watching sessions from Google Education on Air and came across a great session from Ryan Archer @ArcherEdTech. He presented three add-ons for Google Forms that I hadn't tried before, but will now! Here's the link!

1. FormMule - This mail merge add-on lets you setup emails that are triggered when someone completes the form. Different emails can be created and specified per form choice. Great for PD sign-ups and reminders.

2. Form Values - Quickly populate form fields with this add-on. It is installed in forms and lets you setup lists of items you can use later. When selected, the designated field is populated with what you setup without having to retype or copy/paste each time.

3. Choice Eliminator - Let students select topics from a list and have them be removed when you get the desired number of students. Let's pretend my students were researching authors. I could create a form of the authors they could pick from. I only want each author assigned once. With Choice Eliminator, when a student picks a person, it is removed from the list so others cannot pick it..

A couple of add-ons that I use on a regular basis are Flubaroo and Autocrat.

4. Flubaroo - Turn your Google form into a Quiz or Test. Run this add-on to grade student responses against a key that you create.

5. Autocrat - Similar to FormMule, Autocrat lets you setup emails to be triggered on form submission. These can send documents with the email. I used this add-on when my Maintenance director needed to inspect campuses and send a report to the campus principal. He completed the form from his smartphone and when submitted, the report was emailed to the designated recipient. I also used this tool to get feedback on PD and distribute certificates of attendance from the same form.


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