Chrome Extensions - Tab Scissors & Tab Glue

Sometimes when you attend a conference you learn new things. Sometimes you get exposed to new ideas. Sometimes you just are reminded of things you have forgotten. I find myself in the last category.

I attended the Texas Google Summit on May 14 in Frisco, Texas. It was a 4.5 hour drive for me, but totally worth it. In fact, I can't wait for next year!

One of the things I was reintroduced to were some Chrome extensions I had forgotten about - Tab Scissors and Tab Glue. These two nifty extensions work together in an amazing way. They allow you to split your tabs off from your Chrome Browser so that you can look at two tabs side by side.

This feature is helpful when you are comparing two tabs and doesn't force you to toggle back and forth.

Here are some scenarios where these extensions would be helpful:

1. Comparing your gradebook to a Google Sheet of your grades
2. Grading a student project with the project in one tab and the rubric in the other
3. Synthesizing research for a project

Watch this video on how these extensions work:


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