Disruptive Innovation in Education

Another day at TXDLA. Conferences make my brain percolate new ideas. Many ideas to bring back to work. 

Today's keynote was Heather Staker who is a researcher in disruptive innovation in education. Don't get this confused with disruptive students who we have all had in our careers. This topic is about things that move education from its standard trajectory. Distance learning is a disruptive innovation. 

She talked about different models that schools are adopting to better meet the needs of their students. Models like flipping where the students watch videos at home that introduce new concepts and then spend class time delving more deeply into the concept. She also talked about schools that we're adopting models where students get most of their content online but also meet in small groups and workshop with teachers for extra support.

As I listened to her speak I think of the students I have taught. Many of them would have thrived with this type of flexible model. My own children would have loved it. I'm not sure it would work with all of my students. I really wish a school in my area would pilot a program and explore the possibilities.


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