ISTE13 Day 2

This was a full day of sessions for me. I had planned to attend sessions today full of rockstars! I felt like my hubby did going to see the Smashing Pumpkins.

The first big session I attended was Adam Bellow and Steve Dembo who have just written a book about tools and great ideas on how to use them. (I just ordered the book online!) They talked about lots of great tools I am excited to try. I really want to try Thinglink and Wevideo. It was refreshing to see how much trouble they had with internet. Nice to know that even tech experts have tech problems sometimes.

Then I went to a sessions where I got to see Joyce Valenza! I feel like a really nerdy librarian. Of the panel in that session, I also follow Gwyneth Jones and Shannon Miller so it was exciting to hear from people you are connected to online. Their session was about flipping and curating your library which is a topic I have been talking with my librarians about recently. The tool from this session that I am most anxious to try is MentorMob. 

My next session was about E-Learning models for Professional Development. We did an activity where you tweeted out an answer with the same hashtag. As the comments came in, I noticed a tweet from @BlueSkunkBlog. OMG! Doug Johnson was in the same session as me. Miguel Guhlin was leading the session and asked Doug to share a soundbite about librarians. After this session, I want to explore Edmodo.

Lastly I attended a conversation led by Steve Hargadon about where education is headed. The panel included Tom Whitby and Julie Lindsey. The take aways from this session were that PD needs to be embedded throughout the year, learning needs to be organic and authentic, and that there are lots of issues to overcome in education.

I learned lots! Can't wait until tomorrow!

People I follow online


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