A Great Guide for Classroom Technology

I am shifting gears for next school year and entering the classroom again after several years in the library and as a library/technology specialist for an education service center. With my technology training experience I have been asked to present professional development to the staff at my school.

I read the Blue Skunk Blog and love what Doug Johnson has to say about technology and libraries. As soon as it was available I bought his new book The Classroom Teacher's Technology Survival Guide. I read it immediately and plan on using it as a basis for several presentations to the staff this year as well as my guideline for helping the school with technology integration.

In working with teachers I have noticed that many are intimidated by technology. It is especially difficult for them when they are used to being the expert on a subject and their students know more about technology than they do. Johnson points out that a teacher can easily make their class more technology enriched by simply tweaking some lessons that already work for them by adding multimedia or student-centered tech projects. I also think his book is a marvelous road map to see where a teacher is in their technology knowledge and what steps they should take next on their journey.


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